We have copy right on twenty-one sculptures and two Salvador Dalí’s Signatures.
In the sculptures are feature recognizable symbols and well-known Dalí imagery. These symbols appear throughout the artist’s oeuvre, on his paintings, drawings, lithographs, etchings and sculpture.

Alice in wonderland

Nobility of Time

The Profile of Time

The Snail and the Angel

Space Venus

St.George and the Dragon

The Unicorn

The vision of the Angel

Lady Godiva with butterflies

Adam and Eve

Triumphant Angel

Dalinian Dancer

Surrealist Piano

Dance of time I

Dance of time II

Dance of time III

Homage to Fashion

Surrealist Warrior

Triumphant Elephant

Woman of Time

Man with butterflies
In the signatures, that are “art” theyself. Is clearly recognizable the “Dalí’s hand”.

Dalí Signature 1

Dalí Signature 2